How To Stop Foreclosure With A
Private Home Loan Or Refinancing
Find out how you can prevent losing your home to foreclosure by securing a private home loan.
This works whether you are in Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland or anywhere in Australia.
Get a Private home loan, refinancing or commercial loan from a private lender.
Are you in arrears and under threat of
losing your home to foreclosure or repossession?
If you are in default about to lose your home, you need to read this post.
Everyone hits a rough spot once in awhile. Unfortunately, when you are financially strapped, you may find it really hard to secure a loan from the bank or mainstream lenders to help with your situation.
Especially if you are self employed and do not have the necessary documents to show to the banks. Traditional lenders like banks, building societies and credit unions will require much documentation and financial statements to consider your scenario. Not so for private lenders.
Need help urgently to resolve your problem?
When it comes to threat of foreclosure, you need to act fast. Do not let the situation compound until it becomes unresolvable. Most repossessions can be prevented with early intervention and by working with an experienced and trusted private lender. However, this needs to happen early in the process in order to design right solution to your problem.
Taking out a home loan or refinancing from a private lender is a much easier process than taking out a traditional bank loan.
Private loans are usually secured against property or assets and require far less documentation for approval. Private lenders also tend to be willing to take on more risks and usually offer quick approvals. It is important to note that all private home loans or refinancing must be secured against property. That is what protects both the lender and borrower and allows the private loan to be effected in a fair and equitable manner for all parties involved.
How To Get A Private Loan & Save Your Home From Resposession:
The most important 1st step is to work with a trusted private lender or mortgage broker. You will want to do your own research for this. One important consideration is to only engage with reputable lenders or mortgage brokers who are regulated and have a valid ACL (Australian Credit Licence) and/or AFSL (Australian Financial Services Licence).
At Gryphon Direct, we have been helping families across Australia for over 15 years. This is includes offering customized private home and business loans to Melbourne, Victoria. If you reside in Melbourne, own property, and wish to enquire about a private loan, speak with us today.
Below are some scenarios where our private loans have helped families or businesses in Melbourne:
- bad credit history
- outstanding ATO debt
- company under threat of being wound up
- chased by creditors
- require funds to complete a construction
- loans for self employed with no proof of income or tax returns
- …and many more.